

To install all of the course packages:

  • If you are using Windows, first install RTools.

  • Then copy and paste the following line to install most of the packages needed for the course (click the little clipboard in top right corner to copy everything).

  • Warning: it may take a while for these to install, so don’t start this if you need access to your R session (or open another R session to do this).

install.packages(c("here", "palmerpenguins", "remotes", "tidyverse", "knitr", "rmarkdown", "papaja", "tinytex", "dataReporter", "qualtRics", "readxl", "nycflights13", "ggthemes", "patchwork", "gt"))

Click Full package list below to see all packages with links to their websites.

Full package list

Getting started

Literate programming

Data import/validation

Data processing

Plotting and tables


If you want to find definitions of the terms that we use in the course, check out the PsyTeachR Glossary

Function list

This is a list of all of the functions that we will be learning throughout the course. Note these may change as we progress through the course. Click Full function list below to see all functions with links to their websites.

Full function list


Data types

Data structures

Importing data

Validating data

Cleaning columns

Wrangling rows

Tidy data

Merging data




Dates and times


Grammar of graphics


Visualizing distributions

Visualizing amounts and proportions

Visualizing x-y data

Finessing plots

Adorning plots



Flashcards can be a useful way to help learning functions and their descriptions. I created a package called {flashr} that builds decks of HTML flashcards. You’re welcome to build your own decks of flashcards by installing the package and following the instructions for building decks. Or, you can use existing decks built for the course or for each of the chapters of R for Data Science (2nd edition).

DPaViR flashcards
R4DS2 flashcards
