group data by levels of column
use Cartesian coordinates
customize non-data components of plot
keep specified columns
control legend formatting
sum elements of vector
create or modify data columns
adds text to plot
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
create subplots from one variable
create bar chart based on counts in data
create a plotting area
scale x axis to be date
load R packages
plot arrows
change order of rows based on values of columns
scale y axis to be log base 10
wrap strings into nicely formatted paragraphs
modify axis, legend, and plot labels
annotate plot independent of data
return vector of minimum and maximum
order in descending order
scale color aesthetic to be discrete
divide range of vector into intervals
add layer of points to plot
create sequences of numbers
create recursive vector (list)
return object class
conditionally set values across multiple conditions
map colors to data with ColorBrewer
create tibble
create smoothed lines to plot
set guides for scale
calculate the cumulative sums of a vector
force aspect ratio between data units on axes
plot line segment
generate random sample from normal distribution
return vector with duplicate elements removed
compute base 10 logarithm
scale color aesthetic to continuous color gradient
select the first (specified) number of rows
scale x axis to be continuous
keep rows based on values of columns
create heatmap of bin counts using hexagons
add layer of boxplots to plot
map colors to data manually
scale x axis to be log base 10
scale y axis to be continuous
return current group size
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
rank vector elements with ties set to first
returns quoted expression
The end!