load R packages
evaluate aesthetic mapping after statistical transformation
return current group size
reorder factor levels by sorting along another variable
determine whether elements of vector are missing
divide range of vector into intervals
keep specified columns
create heatmap of bin counts using hexagons
keep rows based on values of columns
change order of rows based on values of columns
compute exponential function
create frequency polygon
compute natural logarithm
create a plotting area
create tile plot using center of rectangle and size
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
add layer of points sized by count of overlapping points to plot
augment data with information from an object
return object class
create histogram of counts as bars
add layer of points to plot
create or modify data columns
count unique values of variables
vectorized if statement that checks conditionals and returns different outputs based on answer
compute sample median
cut data into groups of a particular width
use Cartesian coordinates
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
add layer of boxplots to plot
The end!