create smoothed lines to plot
return number of elements in a vector
create frequency polygon
calculate absolute value
return or set year component of a date-time
compute maxima of input values
calculate mean of elements of vector
create bar chart based on counts in data
detect presence of pattern in string
extract file information
group data by levels of column
sum elements of vector
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
determine whether elements of vector are missing
create histogram of counts as bars
compute base 10 logarithm
create repetitions of numbers, characters, etc.
select only unique/distinct rows from data frame
create or modify data columns
load R packages
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
compute minima of input values
coerce object to numeric
conditionally set values across multiple conditions
evaluate aesthetic mapping after statistical transformation
add layer of points to plot
divide range of vector into intervals
modify axis, legend, and plot labels
return or set month component of a date-time
generate random sample from normal distribution
sort a vector or factor into ascending or descending order (base R)
vectorized if statement that checks conditionals and returns different outputs based on answer
pivot data frame to be wider
compare literal bytes in a string
load specific data set
count unique values of variables
generate random number from uniform distribution
create a plotting area
remove all instances of a pattern in a string
returns number of characters in a string
reverse order of factor levels
return vector of minimum and maximum
create subplots from one variable
change text to upper case
fill in missing values
keep rows based on values of columns
compute sample median
return current group size
get days component of date-time
summarize data usually by grouping variable
extract parts of a string
flatten a string
change order of rows based on values of columns
reorder factor levels in the order of most to least frequent
keep specified columns
compute standard deviation
create tibble
The end!