compute sample median
count unique values of variables
rank vector elements with ties set to first
compute parallel minima for one or more vectors
get days component of date-time
create a plotting area
return or set year component of a date-time
create or modify data columns
create row-wise tibble
calculate sample quantiles
sum elements of vector
select the first (specified) number of rows
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
parse a character vector to numbers
summarize data usually by grouping variable
add layer of data lines to plot
count unique combinations
group data by levels of column
divide range of vector into intervals
compute parallel maxima for one or more vectors
rank vector elements with ties set to minimum
add vertical, horizontal, or diagonal reference lines
generate a unique identifier for consecutive combinations
calculate the cumulative sums of a vector
create frequency polygon
load R packages
round up to nearest integer
return current group size
keep rows based on values of columns
create tibble
parse a character vector to doubles
rank vector elements with no gaps between ranks
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
order in descending order
round down to nearest integer
find the next values in a vector
change order of rows based on values of columns
find the previous values in a vector
round values to specified number of digits
determine whether elements of vector are missing
cumulative distribution function giving proportion of all values less than or equal to the current rank
compute maxima of input values
return or set hour component of a date-time
compute minima of input values
calculate mean of elements of vector
rescale rank between 0 and 1
computes interquartile range
return or set month component of a date-time
add layer of points to plot
The end!