get days component of date-time
load R packages
return results of database query as data frame
keep rows based on values of columns
create a database table from data source
return current group size
divide range of vector into intervals
calculate mean of elements of vector
group data by levels of column
return or set month component of a date-time
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
retrieve data from a database into a local tibble
change order of rows based on values of columns
write a data frame to database table
find the next values in a vector
change column order
find the previous values in a vector
join two data sets keeping the observations in the left one
conditionally set values across multiple conditions
vectorized if statement that checks conditionals and returns different outputs based on answer
give details about database table object
summarize data usually by grouping variable
order in descending order
compute sample median
keep specified columns
determine whether elements of vector are missing
create connection to database
coerce object into tibble
create or modify data columns
return or set year component of a date-time
rename columns
read database table to data frame
The end!