safely return result or default when there is an error
save a ggplot
compute standard deviation
create tibble
apply multiple functions over two arguments in parallel, only for side effects
apply function to columns and return TRUE if any values are TRUE
parse a character vector to numbers
apply a function to multiple elements of an object to obtain side effects
compute sample median
format and interpolate a string with glue
extract day number of month
assess whether conditional is true for any elements of a vector
create histogram of counts as bars
apply transformation across multiple columns
sum elements of vector
return (and can assign) column names
select all variables
apply function to columns and return TRUE if all values are TRUE
determine if input is of type numeric
create repetitions of numbers, characters, etc.
keep rows based on values of columns
pivot data frame to be longer
randomly sample from vector
count unique values of variables
determine whether elements of vector are missing
create or modify data columns
set names of object
parse dates with year, month, and day components
generate random number from uniform distribution
combine vectors by returning the first non-missing value at each position
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
create a plotting area
create recursive vector (list)
get days component of date-time
calculate mean of elements of vector
summarize data usually by grouping variable
generate random sample from normal distribution
pivot data frame to be wider
create connection to database
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
import either xls or xlsx Excel files
apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a integer vector
create a database table from data source
load R packages
apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a list
divide range of vector into intervals
return or set month component of a date-time
return current group size
keep specified columns
return number of elements in a vector
group data by levels of column
return or set year component of a date-time
apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a character vector
write data frame to comma delimited file
load specific data set
The end!