summarize data usually by grouping variable
keep specified columns
bind rows in base R
return index of sorted vector (base R)
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
compute maxima of input values
return a sequence along the length of an object
create data frame
apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a list
group data by levels of column
extract a single column
change order of rows based on values of columns
create a vector
create tibble
import either xls or xlsx Excel files
apply a function to multiple elements of an object and return a vector, matrix, or array
load R packages
apply a function to multiple elements of an object and return a vector
generate random number from uniform distribution
return object structure
calculate mean of elements of vector
apply a function to each cell of a ragged array
determine if input is of type numeric
create recursive vector (list)
apply a function to multiple elements of an object and return a list
return directories in named directory
divide range of vector into intervals
return number of elements in a vector
view and change factor levels
determine whether elements of vector are missing
keep rows based on values of columns
The end!