

Jeffrey R. Stevens


March 7, 2025

For these exercises, we’ll use the dog breed traits data set.

  1. Load tidyverse and import dog_breed_traits_clean.csv to traits.
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  1. Return the first ten letters of the alphabet in upper case.
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  1. Create this character string and assign it to mystring: The elephant said “Hello” then ‘Bye!’ Then view how it would be printed.
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  1. Find how many characters are in mystring.
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  1. Create a vector of the first four characters of the coat_length column from traits.
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  1. Convert the breed column of traits to sentence case.
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  1. Create series of sentences using breed and coat_length that states “[insert breed name] have a [insert coat length] coat” that uses the proper cases.
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  1. In the mtcars data set, extract the first two digits of the mpg variable and the last three digits of the car names and combine them into a single string.
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  1. Print the fruit data set, then capitalize all first word letters in the data set, then capitalize all words in the data set.
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