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NCAA datasets use a unique ID for each sport, team, season, and match. This function returns a data frame of dates, opponent team names, and contest IDs for each NCAA contest (volleyball match) for each team and season.


find_team_contests(team_id = NULL)



Team ID determined by NCAA for season. To find ID, use find_team_id().


Returns a data frame that includes date, team, opponent, and contest ID for each season's contest.


# \donttest{
find_team_contests(team_id = "585290")
#> # A tibble: 36 × 6
#>    date       team     opponent           result attendance contest
#>    <chr>      <chr>    <chr>              <chr>       <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1 08/27/2024 Nebraska Kentucky           W 3-1        9280 5362360
#>  2 08/30/2024 Nebraska A&M-Corpus Christi W 3-0        8956 5362361
#>  3 08/31/2024 Nebraska TCU                W 3-1        8695 5362362
#>  4 09/03/2024 Nebraska SMU                L 0-3        6773 5362363
#>  5 09/05/2024 Nebraska The Citadel        W 3-0        8607 5362364
#>  6 09/07/2024 Nebraska Montana St.        W 3-0        8456 5362365
#>  7 09/10/2024 Nebraska Creighton          W 3-2        8924 5362366
#>  8 09/13/2024 Nebraska Arizona St.        W 3-0        8772 5362367
#>  9 09/14/2024 Nebraska Wichita St.        W 3-0        8541 5362368
#> 10 09/18/2024 Nebraska Stanford           W 3-0        8952 5362369
#> # ℹ 26 more rows
# }