term | package | description |
- |
base | subtraction |
: |
base | sequence of integers |
:: |
base | export variable from package for use |
! |
base | logical NOT |
!= |
base | not equal to |
[] |
base | subset elements of vector |
* |
base | multiplication |
/ |
base | division |
& |
base | logical AND |
%*% |
base | multiply matrix with its transpose |
%/% |
base | quotient |
%% |
base | remainder |
%<>% |
magrittr | assignment pipe |
%>% |
magrittr | pipe operator |
%$% |
magrittr | exposition pipe |
%in% |
base | identify if element is in vector |
%T>% |
magrittr | tee pipe |
^ |
base | exponent |
+ |
base | addition |
< |
base | less than |
<- |
base | assignment operator |
<<- |
base | assignment operator (in functions for global environment) |
<= |
base | less than or equal to |
= |
base | assignment operator |
== |
base | equal to |
> |
base | greater than |
>= |
base | greater than or equal to |
| | base | logical OR |
|> | base | pipe operator (base R) |
abs() |
base | calculate absolute value |
accumulate() |
purrr | accumulate intermediate result of vector reduction |
across() |
dplyr | apply transformation across multiple columns |
add_predictions() |
modelr | add predictions to a data frame |
add_residuals() |
modelr | add residuals to a data frame |
add_row() |
tibble | add rows to data frame |
addMarkers() |
leaflet | add markers to map widget |
addTiles() |
leaflet | add tiles to map widget |
aes() |
ggplot2 | create aesthetic mappings between data and plot |
after_stat() |
ggplot2 | evaluate aesthetic mapping after statistical transformation |
all() |
base | assess whether conditional is true for all elements of a vector |
annotate() |
ggplot2 | annotate plot independent of data |
anti_join() |
dplyr | join two data sets dropping all observations in x that have a match in y |
any_of() |
tidyselect | check if any any elements are found in vector |
any() |
base | assess whether conditional is true for any elements of a vector |
apply() |
base | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in base R |
apropos() |
utils | return vector of object names matching pattern |
apropros() |
utils | returns a character vector giving the names of objects in the search list matching (as a regular expression) |
arrange() |
dplyr | change order of rows based on values of columns |
arrow() |
grid | plot arrows |
as_date() |
lubridate | convert object to date |
as_datetime() |
lubridate | convert object to date-time |
as_hms() |
hms | coerce to hms object |
as_tibble() |
tibble | coerce object into tibble |
as.character() |
base | coerce object to character |
as.data.frame() |
base | coerce object into data frame |
as.Date.character() |
base | convert from character to date |
as.Date.factor() |
base | convert from factor to date |
as.Date() |
base | convert to date |
as.double() |
base | coerce to double |
as.duration() |
lubridate | coerce interval, period, and numeric objects to duration objects |
as.factor() |
base | coerce object to factor |
as.integer() |
base | coerce to integer |
as.logical() |
base | coerce to logical |
as.numeric() |
base | coerce object to numeric |
assign() |
base | assign a value to a name |
attr() |
base | return or set individual attribute values |
attributes() |
base | return all attributes of vector, matrix, data frame, etc. |
augment() |
generics | augment data with information from an object |
basename() |
base | extract file name without path |
beamer_presentation() |
rmarkdown | create beamer presentation from R markdown file |
between() |
dplyr | determine if values in a numeric vector fall in specified range |
bind_cols() |
dplyr | bind columns in dplyr |
bind_rows() |
dplyr | bind rows in dplyr |
boundary() |
stringr | match boundaries within strings |
c() |
base | create vector of numbers, characters, etc. |
case_when() |
dplyr | conditionally set values across multiple conditions |
ceiling_date() |
lubridate | round data-time up to ceiling |
ceiling() |
base | round up to nearest integer |
charToRaw() |
base | converts a length-one character string to raw bytes |
class() |
base | return object class |
clean_cache() |
knitr | clear out code chunk cache |
clean_names() |
janitor | clean data frame column names to be unique and consistent of only characters, numbers and _ |
closest() |
dplyr | find closest match in rolling join |
coalesce() |
dplyr | combine vectors by returning the first non-missing value at each position |
coef() |
stats | extract model coefficients from object |
col_date() |
readr | coerce columns to date object |
coll() |
stringr | compare strings respecting standard collation rules |
collect() |
dplyr | retrieve data from a database into a local tibble |
colnames() |
base | retrieve or set column names |
colors() |
grDevices | returns vector of color names in R |
cols_only() |
readr | include only the columns you explicitly specify |
column_to_rowname() |
tibble | convert a column of data to row names |
complete() |
tidyr | complete a data frame with missing combinations of data |
consecutive_id() |
dplyr | generate a unique identifier for consecutive combinations |
contains() |
tidyselect | match column names that contain string |
coord_cartesian() |
ggplot2 | use Cartesian coordinates |
coord_fixed() |
ggplot2 | force aspect ratio between data units on axes |
coord_flip() |
ggplot2 | switch x and y axes |
coord_map() |
ggplot2 | project a map of a portion of the earth onto a flat 2D plane |
coord_polar() |
ggplot2 | use polar coordinates |
coord_quickmap() |
ggplot2 | set aspect ratio correctly for maps |
cor() |
stats | compute the correlation of two vectors |
count() |
dplyr | count unique values of variables |
count() |
plyr | count unique values of variables |
cross_join() |
dplyr | join all possible matches between x and y |
cume_dist() |
dplyr | cumulative distribution function giving proportion of all values less than or equal to the current rank |
cummax() |
base | calculate the cumulative maxima of a vector |
cummean() |
dplyr | calculate cumulative means for a vector |
cummin() |
base | calculate the cumulative minima of a vector |
cumprod() |
base | calculate the cumulative products of a vector |
cumsum() |
base | calculate the cumulative sums of a vector |
cut_interval() |
ggplot2 | create n groups with equal range |
cut_number() |
ggplot2 | cut data into groups of equal numbers of observations |
cut_width() |
ggplot2 | cut data into groups of a particular width |
cut() |
base | divide range of vector into intervals |
data_grid() |
modelr | generate a data grid |
data.frame() |
base | create data frame |
data() |
utils | load specific data set |
date_names_langs() |
readr | retrieve weekdays and months of a specific language |
date_names() |
readr | specify how weekdays and months are represented |
day() |
lubridate | get days component of date-time |
days() |
lubridate | specify the number of days to be used in dates |
dbAppendTable() |
DBI | insert rows into a database table |
dbConnect() |
DBI | create connection to database |
dbCreateTable() |
DBI | create a table in a database |
dbFetch() |
DBI | fetch the next n elements from a database results set and return as data frame |
dbGetQuery() |
DBI | return results of database query as data frame |
dbHasCompleted() |
DBI | return if database operation has completed |
dbListTables() |
DBI | list remote tables |
dbReadTable() |
DBI | read database table to data frame |
dbSendQuery() |
DBI | submit and execute SQL query to database engine |
dbWriteTable() |
DBI | write a data frame to database table |
ddays() |
lubridate | create duration in days |
dense_rank() |
dplyr | rank vector elements with no gaps between ranks |
desc() |
dplyr | order in descending order |
detect_index() |
purrr | find the position of the first match |
detect() |
purrr | return value of first matching element |
dhours() |
lubridate | create duration in hours |
dim() |
base | return dimensions of matrix, data frame, etc. |
dir_ls() |
fs | return filenames and directories in named directory |
dir() |
base | return directories in named directory |
discard() |
purrr | discard elements using a predicate function |
distinct() |
dplyr | select only unique/distinct rows from data frame |
dminutes() |
lubridate | create duration in minutes |
dmonths() |
lubridate | calculate duration of months in seconds and weeks |
dmy() |
lubridate | parse dates as day, month, year |
dnorm() |
stats | generate density for normal distribution |
do.call() |
base | execute a function call |
double() |
base | create a double-precision vector |
dput() |
base | write an ASCII text representation of object |
drop_na() |
tidyr | drop rows containing missing values |
dseconds() |
lubridate | create duration in seconds |
duckdb_read_csv() |
duckdb | read a CSV file into DuckDB |
duckdb_register_arrow() |
duckdb | register an Arrow data source as a virtual table in a DuckDB connection |
duckdb() |
duckdb | connect to a DuckDB database instance |
duplicated() |
base | determine which elements of a vector or data frame are duplicates |
dweeks() |
lubridate | create duration in weeks |
dyears() |
lubridate | create duration in years |
Encoding() |
base | read the declared encodings for character vector |
ends_with() |
tidyselect | match column names that end with string |
enframe() |
tibble | convert vectors to data frame |
englue() |
rlang | create a string with glue operators { and {{ |
every() |
purrr | determine if all elements meet predicate function conditional |
everything() |
tidyselect | select all variables |
excel_sheets() |
readxl | return the sheet names from an Excel spreadsheet |
exp() |
base | compute exponential function |
expand() |
tidyr | expand data frame to include all possible combinations of values |
facet_grid() |
ggplot2 | create grid of subplots from multiple variables |
facet_wrap() |
ggplot2 | create subplots from one variable |
factor() |
base | encode vector as factor |
fct_collapse() |
forcats | collapse factors into manually defined groups |
fct_infreq() |
forcats | reorder factor levels in the order of most to least frequent |
fct_inorder() |
forcats | reorder factor levels in the order that they first appear |
fct_lump_lowfreq() |
forcats | lump together least frequent levels of a factor |
fct_lump_min() |
forcats | lump factor levels that appear fewer than a certain number of times |
fct_lump_n() |
forcats | lump all factor levels except the most frequent |
fct_lump_prop() |
forcats | lump factor levels that appear fewer than a certain proportion of times |
fct_lump() |
forcats | lump together factor levels into ‘other’ |
fct_recode() |
forcats | change factor levels by hand |
fct_relevel() |
forcats | reorder factor levels by hand |
fct_reorder() |
forcats | reorder factor levels by sorting along another variable |
fct_reorder2() |
forcats | reorder factor levels by sorting along another variable with two dimensions |
fct_rev() |
forcats | reverse order of factor levels |
fct() |
forcats | create factor (stricter forcats version) |
file.access() |
base | access information about files |
file.info() |
base | extract file information |
file.path() |
base | construct path to file |
file.size() |
base | extract file information |
fill() |
tidyr | fill in missing values |
filter() |
dplyr | keep rows based on values of columns |
first() |
dplyr | extract first element from vector |
fixed() |
stringr | compare literal bytes in a string |
flatten_dbl() |
purrr | flatten a list into an atomic vector in purrr |
floor_date() |
lubridate | round date-time down to floor |
floor() |
base | round down to nearest integer |
for() |
base | control flow with for loop |
force_tz() |
lubridate | replace time zone to create new date-time |
format() |
base | format object for pretty printing |
fread() |
data.table | read delimited files |
fromJSON() |
jsonlite | convert JSON data to R object |
full_join() |
dplyr | join two data sets keeping the observations in both |
fwf_positions() |
readr | specify fields by positions |
fwf_widths() |
readr | specify fields by widths |
gam() |
mgcv | compute generalized additive model |
gather_predictions() |
modelr | add predictions and pivot longer |
geom_abline() |
ggplot2 | add vertical, horizontal, or diagonal reference lines |
geom_bar() |
ggplot2 | create bar chart based on counts in data |
geom_bin_2d() |
ggplot2 | create heatmap of two dimensional bin counts |
geom_bin2d() |
ggplot2 | create heatmap of 2D bin counts |
geom_boxplot() |
ggplot2 | add layer of boxplots to plot |
geom_col() |
ggplot2 | create bar chart based on values in data |
geom_count() |
ggplot2 | add layer of points sized by count of overlapping points to plot |
geom_density_ridges() |
ggridges | arrange multiple density plots in a staggered fashion |
geom_freqpoly() |
ggplot2 | create frequency polygon |
geom_hex() |
ggplot2 | create heatmap of bin counts using hexagons |
geom_histogram() |
ggplot2 | create histogram of counts as bars |
geom_hline() |
ggplot2 | plot horizontal reference line |
geom_jitter() |
ggplot2 | add layer of jittered points to plot |
geom_label_repel() |
ggrepel | add text labels (with rectangles) repelled away from each other |
geom_label() |
ggplot2 | adds text in rectangle to plot |
geom_line() |
ggplot2 | add layer of data lines to plot |
geom_lv() |
lvplot | create letter value box plot |
geom_point() |
ggplot2 | add layer of points to plot |
geom_polygon() |
ggplot2 | add layer of polygons to plot |
geom_rect() |
ggplot2 | plot rectangle |
geom_ref_line() |
modelr | add reference line to plot |
geom_segment() |
ggplot2 | plot line segment |
geom_smooth() |
ggplot2 | create smoothed lines to plot |
geom_text_repel() |
ggrepel | add text labels repelled away from each other |
geom_text() |
ggplot2 | adds text to plot |
geom_tile() |
ggplot2 | create tile plot using center of rectangle and size |
geom_violin() |
ggplot2 | create violin plot |
geom_vline() |
ggplot2 | plot vertical reference line |
get() |
base | search by name for an object |
getS3method() |
utils | return a method for S3 generic function |
getwd() |
base | return working directory |
ggplot() |
ggplot2 | create a plotting area |
ggsave() |
ggplot2 | save a ggplot |
gh_users_json() |
repurrrsive | return GitHub users in JSON format |
glance() |
generics | glance at an object |
glm() |
stats | compute generalized linear model |
glmnet() |
glmnet | compute generalized linear model via penalized maximum likelihood |
glob2rx() |
utils | change wildcard/globbing patterns into regular expressions |
glue() |
glue | combine expressions into character string |
grepl() |
base | search for all matches of pattern within each element of a character vector |
group_by() |
dplyr | group data by levels of column |
group_nest() |
dplyr | nest a tibble using a grouping specification |
gs4_deauth() |
googlesheets4 | suspend Google Sheets authorization |
gsub() |
base | replace all matches of pattern within each element of a character vector |
guess_encoding() |
readr | guess encoding of file |
guess_parser() |
readr | return the name of the parser |
guide_area() |
patchwork | place guides (e.g., legend) inside plot area |
guide_colourbar() |
ggplot2 | control legend color bar |
guide_legend() |
ggplot2 | control legend formatting |
guides() |
ggplot2 | set guides for scale |
head_while() |
purrr | find first elements that satisfy predicate |
head() |
utils | return first rows of matrix, data frame, etc. |
here() |
here | locate files relative to your project root directory |
hist() |
graphics | plot a histogram in base R |
hm() |
lubridate | parse periods with hour and minute |
hms() |
lubridate | parse periods with hour, minute, and second |
hoist() |
tidyr | pull components of a list-column out into their own top-level columns |
hour() |
lubridate | return or set hour component of a date-time |
html_attr() |
rvest | extracts data from HTML attributes |
html_document() |
rmarkdown | create HTML document from R markdown file |
html_element() |
rvest | extract single HTML element |
html_elements() |
rvest | extract HTML elements |
html_table() |
rvest | extract HTML table |
html_text2() |
rvest | extract plain text contents of HTML element |
I() |
base | inhibit interpretation/conversion of objects |
identical() |
base | safe and reliable way to test if two objects are exactly equal |
if_all() |
dplyr | apply function to columns and return TRUE if all values are TRUE |
if_any() |
dplyr | apply function to columns and return TRUE if any values are TRUE |
if_else() |
dplyr | vectorized if statement that checks conditionals and returns different outputs based on answer |
ifelse() |
base | conditionally set values |
inner_join() |
dplyr | join two data sets keeping the observations that they have in common |
install.packages() |
utils | install R packages |
interaction() |
base | computer a factor that represents the interaction of given factors |
intersect() |
base | return only observations in both x and y |
invisible() |
base | return invisible copy of object |
invoke_map() |
purrr | makes it easier to call lists of functions with lists of parameters |
ioslides_presentation() |
rmarkdown | create ioslides presentation from R markdown file |
IQR() |
stats | computes interquartile range |
is_character() |
rlang | tidyverse way to determine whether object is of type character |
is_double() |
rlang | tidyverse way to determine whether object is of type double |
is_integer() |
rlang | tidyverse way to determine whether object is of type integer |
is_list() |
rlang | tidyverse way to determine whether object is of type list |
is_logical() |
rlang | tidyverse way to determine whether object is of type logical |
is_vector() |
rlang | tidyverse way to determine whether object is of type vector |
is.character() |
base | determine if input is of type character |
is.Date() |
lubridate | determine whether object is of type date |
is.factor() |
base | determine if input is of type factor |
is.finite() |
base | determines if numeric is finite |
is.infinite() |
base | determine whether elements of vector are infinite |
is.list() |
base | check whether object is a list |
is.na() |
base | determine whether elements of vector are missing |
is.nan() |
base | determine whether elements of vector are not a number |
is.null() |
base | determine whether object is NULL |
is.numeric() |
base | determine if input is of type numeric |
is.vector() |
base | check if object is vector |
join_by() |
dplyr | NA |
join_by() |
dplyr | construct specification for columns to join by |
kable() |
knitr | create knitr table |
keep() |
purrr | keep elements using a predicate function |
kmeans() |
stats | perform k-means clustering on data matrix |
label_dollar() |
scales | format numbers as currency |
label_percent() |
scales | format numbers as percentages |
labs() |
ggplot2 | modify axis, legend, and plot labels |
lag() |
dplyr | find the previous values in a vector |
lapply() |
base | apply a function to multiple elements of an object and return a list |
last() |
dplyr | extract last element from vector |
lead() |
dplyr | find the next values in a vector |
leaflet() |
leaflet | create Leaflet map widget |
left_join() |
dplyr | join two data sets keeping the observations in the left one |
length() |
base | return number of elements in a vector |
lengths() |
base | return length of each element of a list or vector |
levels() |
base | view and change factor levels |
library() |
base | load R packages |
list_rbind() |
purrr | combine list elements by rows |
list() |
base | create recursive vector (list) |
lm() |
stats | fit linear model |
load() |
base | load data sets written with save() |
locale() |
readr | capture or set default values for a country |
loess() |
stats | apply local polynomial regression fitting |
log() |
base | compute natural logarithm |
log10() |
base | compute base 10 logarithm |
log2() |
base | compute base 2 logarithm |
logical() |
base | create logical vector |
make_clean_names() |
janitor | clean vector of text to be unique and consistent of only characters, numbers and _ |
make_date() |
lubridate | create object of class Date |
make_datetime() |
lubridate | create date-times from numeric representations |
map_chr() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a character vector |
map_data() |
ggplot2 | turn data from the maps package into a data frame |
map_dbl() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a double vector |
map_df() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a data frame |
map_int() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a integer vector |
map_lgl() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a logical vector |
map_vec() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a vector |
map() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a list |
map2() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements over two vectors in parallel |
match() |
base | return vector of positions of first matches of pattern |
matches() |
tidyselect | select helper that matches a regular expression |
matrix() |
base | create matrix of numbers, characters, etc. |
max() |
base | compute maxima of input values |
mday() |
lubridate | extract day number of month |
mdy_hm() |
lubridate | parse month, day, year and hour, minute |
mdy_hms() |
lubridate | parse month, day, year and hour, minute, second |
mdy() |
lubridate | parse dates as month, day, year |
mean() |
base | calculate mean of elements of vector |
median() |
stats | compute sample median |
merge() |
base | join two data sets |
methods() |
utils | return all available methods for function |
min_rank() |
dplyr | rank vector elements with ties set to minimum |
min() |
base | compute minima of input values |
minimal_html() |
rvest | create an HTML document from inline HTML |
minute() |
lubridate | return or set minute component of a date-time |
minutes() |
lubridate | create period in minutes |
mode() |
base | get or set the storage mode of an object |
model_matrix() |
modelr | construct a design matrix |
month() |
lubridate | return or set month component of a date-time |
months() |
lubridate | specify the number of months to be used in dates |
multi_download() |
curl | download multiple files concurrently |
mutate() |
dplyr | create or modify data columns |
mvrnorm() |
MASS | produce samples from multivariate normal distribution |
n_distinct() |
dplyr | count unique combinations |
n() |
dplyr | return current group size |
na_if() |
dplyr | replace values with NA |
names() |
base | return (and can assign) column names |
ncol() |
base | return number of columns in matrix, data frame, etc. |
near() |
dplyr | compare if two vectors of floating point numbers are equal (with a built-in tolerance) |
nest() |
tidyr | creates nested list structure |
nesting() |
tidyr | expand data frame to include combinations of values present in data |
nobs() |
stats | extract number of observations from model fit |
now() |
lubridate | return current date and time |
nrow() |
base | return number of rows in matrix, data frame, etc. |
ns() |
splines | generate basis matrix for natural cubic splines |
nth() |
dplyr | extract nth element from vector |
ntile() |
dplyr | rough rank, which breaks vector into buckets |
num_range() |
tidyselect | match column names with number range |
numeric() |
base | create object of type numeric |
numericInput() |
shiny | allow numeric input in Shiny |
obj_size() |
lobstr | compute the size of an object |
object_size() |
pryr | compute size of object |
object.size() |
utils | estimate memory required to store an object |
OlsonNames() |
base | return vector of all time zone names |
open_dataset() |
arrow | open multi-file Arrow datasets |
optim() |
stats | apply optimization algorithm |
opts_chunk() |
knitr | set options for R code chunks |
order_by() |
dplyr | control ordering of window functions |
order() |
base | return index of sorted vector (base R) |
ordered() |
base | created ordered factor |
overlaps() |
dplyr | construct overlap join |
parse_character() |
readr | parse a character vector to characters |
parse_date() |
readr | parse date |
parse_datetime() |
readr | parse date/time |
parse_double() |
readr | parse a character vector to doubles |
parse_factor() |
readr | parse a character vector to factors |
parse_guess() |
readr | parse the column based on the guessed type |
parse_integer() |
readr | parse a character vector to integers |
parse_json() |
jsonlite | create JSON file from string |
parse_logical() |
readr | parse a character vector to logicals |
parse_number() |
readr | parse a character vector to numbers |
parse_time() |
readr | parse time |
paste() |
base | concatenate character vectors with space between elements |
paste0() |
base | concatenate character vectors with no space between elements |
pdf_document() |
rmarkdown | create PDF document from R markdown file |
percent_rank() |
dplyr | rescale rank between 0 and 1 |
pick() |
dplyr | select a subset of columns |
pivot_longer() |
tidyr | pivot data frame to be longer |
pivot_wider() |
tidyr | pivot data frame to be wider |
plot |
base | plot R objects |
plot_annotation() |
patchwork | annotate patchwork plots |
pmap() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements over a list of vectors in parallel |
pmax() |
base | compute parallel maxima for one or more vectors |
pmin() |
base | compute parallel minima for one or more vectors |
poly() |
stats | compute orthogonal polynomials |
possibly() |
purrr | safely return result or default when there is an error |
print() |
base | prints argument |
problems() |
readr | retrieve parsing problems |
prod() |
base | return product of all values in arguments |
pull() |
dplyr | extract a single column |
pwalk() |
purrr | apply multiple functions over multiple arguments in parallel, only for side effects |
quantile() |
stats | calculate sample quantiles |
quietly() |
purrr | safely return result, messages, and warnings |
quote() |
base | returns quoted expression |
randomForest() |
randomForest | compute random forest model |
range_read() |
googlesheets4 | import a Google sheet (function name matches googlesheets4 conventions) |
range() |
base | return vector of minimum and maximum |
rank() |
base | return sample ranks of the values in a vector |
rbind() |
base | bind rows in base R |
read_csv() |
readr | read comma delimited files |
read_csv2() |
readr | read semicolon separated files |
read_delim() |
readr | read any kind of delimited file |
read_excel() |
readxl | import either xls or xlsx Excel files |
read_feather() |
feather | read feather files |
read_file() |
readr | read a complete file |
read_fwf() |
readr | read fixed width files |
read_html() |
xml2 | read in HTML document and return xml_document object |
read_json() |
jsonlite | read JSON file from disk |
read_lines() |
readr | read lines from a file |
read_log() |
readr | read Apache style log files |
read_rds() |
readr | read RDS files |
read_sheet() |
googlesheets4 | import a Google sheet (function name matches readr conventions) |
read_table() |
readr | read fixed width files separated by white space |
read_tsv() |
readr | read tab delimited files |
read_xls() |
readxl | import xls Excel files |
read_xlsx() |
readxl | import xlsx Excel files |
read.csv() |
utils | import CSV file (base R) |
readr_example() |
readr | get path to readr example |
readRDS() |
base | read RDS files |
readxl_example() |
readxl | get path to readxl example |
reduce() |
purrr | reduce list to single value by iteratively applying binary function |
regex() |
base | use regular expressions |
regmatches() |
base | extract or replace matched substrings |
relocate() |
dplyr | change column order |
rename_with() |
dplyr | rename columns with function |
rename() |
dplyr | rename columns |
render_site() |
rmarkdown | render R markdown documents into website |
render() |
rmarkdown | convert R markdown document to another format |
reorder() |
stats | reorder factor levels based on another variable |
rep() |
base | create repetitions of numbers, characters, etc. |
reprex() |
reprex | render a reproducible example |
return() |
base | return value |
revealjs_presentation() |
revealjs | create revealjs presentation from R markdown file |
right_join() |
dplyr | join two data sets keeping the observations in the right one |
rlm() |
MASS | compute robust linear model |
rnorm() |
stats | generate random sample from normal distribution |
round_date() |
lubridate | round date-time |
round() |
base | round values to specified number of digits |
row_number() |
dplyr | rank vector elements with ties set to first |
rowwise() |
dplyr | compute on a data frame a row-at-a-time |
rpart() |
rpart | compute recursive partitioning and regression trees |
runif() |
stats | generate random number from uniform distribution |
safely() |
purrr | safely return result and error |
sample() |
base | randomly sample from vector |
sapply() |
base | apply a function to multiple elements of an object and return a vector, matrix, or array |
saveRDS() |
base | write RDS files |
saveWorkbook() |
openxlsx | write a Workbook object to a file |
scale_color_brewer() |
ggplot2 | map colors to data with ColorBrewer |
scale_color_colorblind() |
ggthemes | scale color aesthetic to colorblind safe colors |
scale_color_discrete() |
ggplot2 | scale color aesthetic to be discrete |
scale_color_gradient() |
ggplot2 | scale color aesthetic to continuous color gradient |
scale_color_gradient2() |
ggplot2 | scale color aesthetic to diverging color gradient |
scale_color_manual() |
ggplot2 | map colors to data manually |
scale_color_viridis() |
viridis | scale color aesthetic to viridis color gradient |
scale_fill_gradient() |
ggplot2 | scale fill aesthetic to continuous color gradient |
scale_fill_viridis() |
viridis | scale fill aesthetic to viridis gradient |
scale_x_continuous() |
ggplot2 | scale x axis to be continuous |
scale_x_date() |
ggplot2 | scale x axis to be date |
scale_x_log10() |
ggplot2 | scale x axis to be log base 10 |
scale_y_continuous() |
ggplot2 | scale y axis to be continuous |
scale_y_log10() |
ggplot2 | scale y axis to be log base 10 |
schema() |
arrow | create a schema or extract one from an object |
sd() |
stats | compute standard deviation |
second() |
lubridate | return or set second component of a date-time |
select() |
dplyr | keep specified columns |
semi_join() |
dplyr | join two data sets keeping all observations in x that have a match in y |
separate_longer_delim() |
tidyr | splits string into multiple rows by delimiter |
separate_longer_position() |
tidyr | splits string into multiple rows by position |
separate_rows() |
tidyr | separate collapsed column into multiple rows |
separate_wider_delim() |
tidyr | splits string column into multiple columns by delimiter |
separate_wider_position() |
tidyr | splits string column into multiple columns by position |
separate_wider_regex() |
tidyr | splits string column into multiple columns by regular expression matches |
separate() |
tidyr | split single column into multiple columns |
seq_along() |
base | return a sequence along the length of an object |
seq_range() |
modelr | return sequence over the range of a vector |
seq() |
base | create sequences of numbers |
session.info() |
sessioninfo | return R session info and loaded packages |
sessionInfo() |
utils | return info about R version, operating system, and loaded packages |
set_names() |
magrittr | set names of object |
setdiff() |
base | return observations in x but not y |
setNames() |
stats | set the name of an object and return the object |
setView() |
leaflet | set view of map widget |
setwd() |
base | set working directory |
sheet_names() |
googlesheets4 | get names of Google Sheets |
show_query() |
dplyr | give details about database table object |
sin() |
base | compute sine |
slice_head() |
dplyr | select the first (specified) number of rows |
slice_min() |
dplyr | select the rows with the lowest values of a variable |
slidy_presentation() |
rmarkdown | create Slidy presentation from R markdown file |
some() |
purrr | determine if some of elements meet predicate function conditional |
sort() |
base | sort a vector or factor into ascending or descending order (base R) |
split() |
base | divide data frame into groups in a list |
spread_predictions() |
modelr | add predictions and pivot wider |
sql() |
dbplyr | coerce object to sql object |
starts_with() |
tidyselect | match column names that begin with string |
stat_count() |
ggplot2 | statistical transformation that counts numbers of instances |
stat_smooth() |
ggplot2 | statistical transformation that computes smoothed conditional means |
stat_summary_hex() |
ggplot2 | summarize data in bins for a hex plot |
stat_summary() |
ggplot2 | summarize y values for each x value |
stop_for_problems() |
readr | throw error and stop script if any parsing problems |
stop() |
base | stop execution of current expression and return an error |
stopifnot() |
base | test condition and produce error at first FALSE |
str_c() |
stringr | combines two or more strings |
str_count() |
stringr | count number of matches in a string |
str_detect() |
stringr | detect presence of pattern in string |
str_dup() |
stringr | duplicate and concatenate strings within a character vector |
str_equal() |
stringr | compare if two strings are equal |
str_escape() |
stringr | add escape to special characters |
str_extract_all() |
stringr | extract all matching patterns in a string |
str_extract() |
stringr | extract first matching patterns in a string |
str_flatten() |
stringr | flatten a string |
str_glue() |
stringr | format and interpolate a string with glue |
str_length() |
stringr | returns number of characters in a string |
str_locate_all() |
stringr | locate all positions of pattern in a string |
str_locate() |
stringr | locate first position of pattern in a string |
str_match_all() |
stringr | extract all matched groups from a string |
str_match() |
stringr | extract first matched group from a string |
str_order() |
stringr | return index of sorted vector (stringr version) |
str_remove_all() |
stringr | remove all instances of a pattern in a string |
str_remove() |
stringr | remove string match |
str_replace_all() |
stringr | replace all matched patterns in a string |
str_replace_na() |
stringr | replace NAs with other characters |
str_replace() |
stringr | replace first matched pattern in a string |
str_sort() |
stringr | sort numeric or character vector (stringr version) |
str_split() |
stringr | split string into pieces |
str_sub() |
stringr | extract parts of a string |
str_subset() |
stringr | extract elements that match pattern |
str_to_lower() |
stringr | change text to lower case |
str_to_sentence() |
stringr | change text to sentence case |
str_to_title() |
stringr | change text to upper case |
str_to_upper() |
stringr | change text to upper case |
str_trim() |
stringr | trim whitespace from string |
str_view_all() |
stringr | view all regular expression matches |
str_view() |
stringr | view first regular expression match |
str_wrap() |
stringr | wrap strings into nicely formatted paragraphs |
str() |
utils | return object structure |
stri_locale_list() |
stringi | create character vector with all available locale identities |
stri_sort() |
stringi | sort character vector in lexicographic order |
string() |
arrow | create string data type in Arrow |
subset() |
base | return subsets of vectors, matrices, or data frames that meet conditions |
sum() |
base | sum elements of vector |
summarize() |
dplyr | summarize data usually by grouping variable |
summary() |
base | return summary of model fitting functions |
suppressMessages() |
base | suppress the printing of messages |
suppressWarnings() |
base | suppress the printing of warnings |
switch() |
base | select one of a list of alternatives |
Sys.Date() |
base | return system date |
Sys.timezone() |
base | return name of current time zone |
system.time() |
base | return CPU times that expressions use |
t.test() |
stats | computer one and two sample Student’s t-test on vectors of data |
tail_while() |
purrr | find last elements that satisfy predicate |
tail() |
utils | return last rows of matrix, data frame, etc. |
tapply() |
base | apply a function to each cell of a ragged array |
tbl() |
dplyr | create a database table from data source |
textInput() |
shiny | allow text input in Shiny |
theme() |
ggplot2 | customize non-data components of plot |
tibble() |
tibble | create tibble |
tidy() |
generics | turn object into tidy tibble |
tidyverse_update() |
tidyverse | update tidyverse packages |
to_duckdb() |
arrow | create a DuckDB table from an Arrow object |
today() |
lubridate | return the current date |
toupper() |
base | convert character strings to upper case |
transmute() |
dplyr | creates new data column and dropping existing ones |
transpose() |
purrr | turn list-of-lists ‘inside out’ |
tribble() |
tibble | create row-wise tibble |
trim() |
glue | trim a character vector |
try() |
base | try an expression and allow errors |
tryCatch() |
base | evaluates an expression with the possibility to catch exceptions |
type_convert() |
readr | re-convert character columns in existing data frame |
typeof() |
base | return object type |
ungroup() |
dplyr | remove grouping |
union_all() |
dplyr | return all observations in x or y |
union() |
base | return unique observations in x or y |
unique() |
base | return vector with duplicate elements removed |
unite() |
tidyr | combine multiple columns into single column |
unlist() |
base | flatten a list into an atomic vector in base R |
unnest_auto() |
tidyr | turn each element of a list-column into a row or column |
unnest_longer() |
tidyr | turn each element of a list-column into a row |
unnest_wider() |
tidyr | turn each element of a list-column into a column |
unnest() |
tidyr | remove nested structure |
update() |
stats | update and refit a model |
vapply() |
base | apply a function to multiple elements of an object and return a vector |
vars() |
ggplot2 | quoting function for variables in a faceting function |
vector() |
base | create a vector |
View() |
utils | open spreadsheet view of matrix-like object |
walk() |
purrr | apply a function to multiple elements of an object to obtain side effects |
walk2() |
purrr | apply multiple functions over two arguments in parallel, only for side effects |
wday() |
lubridate | extract day number of week |
weighted.mean() |
base | compute a weighted mean |
where() |
tidyselect | select the variables for which a function returns TRUE |
which() |
base | give TRUE indices of logical object |
with_tz() |
lubridate | return date-time in a different time zone |
word_document() |
rmarkdown | create Word document from R markdown file |
write_csv() |
readr | write data frame to comma delimited file |
write_dataset() |
arrow | write an Arrow dataset |
write_excel_csv() |
readr | export a csv file to Excel |
write_rds() |
readr | write RDS files |
write_tsv() |
readr | write a data frame to tab delimited files |
write_xlsx() |
writexl | write object to xlsx Excel file (writexl) |
write.csv() |
utils | write data frame to comma delimited file |
write.xlsx() |
openxlsx | write object to xlsx Excel file (openxlsx ) |
writeLines() |
base | write text lines to a connection |
xgboost() |
sgboost | computer gradient boosting models |
xlim() |
ggplot2 | specify limits of x axis |
xor() |
base | apply elementwise exclusive OR |
yday() |
lubridate | extract day number of year |
year() |
lubridate | return or set year component of a date-time |
ylim() |
ggplot2 | specify limits of y axis |
ymd_hms() |
lubridate | parse dates and time |
ymd() |
lubridate | parse dates with year, month, and day components |