flashr decks

Welcome to the flashcard deck repository for the flashr R package. flashr creates flashcard decks in HTML to help you learn the meanings of R functions or other term/description pairs.

For example, interested in getting some practice remembering the functions from R for Data Science? flashr has built-in flashcard decks with the functions and descriptions from each of the chapters.

A gif of a flashr deck for R for Data Science chapter 1 showing the terms and descriptions for the session.info and install.packages functions.

You can check out the available decks to see what decks are already built or even contribute your own decks to the repo for others to use!


This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.md file for more details.


Many thanks to Mengzhu Fu, Eisha Haque, Jay Schalk, Doug Schultz, London Wolff, and Josh Zosky for helping extract functions and URLs from R for Data Science!