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Codebook for mtcars

Autogenerated data summary from dataReporter


February 4, 2023

# >
# >

Data report overview

The dataset examined has the following dimensions:

Feature Result
Number of observations 32
Number of variables 11

Codebook summary table

Label Variable Class # unique values Missing Description
mpg numeric 25 0.00 %
cyl numeric 3 0.00 %
disp numeric 27 0.00 %
hp numeric 22 0.00 %
drat numeric 22 0.00 %
wt numeric 29 0.00 %
qsec numeric 30 0.00 %
vs numeric 2 0.00 %
am numeric 2 0.00 %
gear numeric 3 0.00 %
carb numeric 6 0.00 %

Variable list


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 25
Median 19.2
1st and 3rd quartiles 15.43; 22.8
Min. and max. 10.4; 33.9
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 3
Median 6
1st and 3rd quartiles 4; 8
Min. and max. 4; 8
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 27
Median 196.3
1st and 3rd quartiles 120.83; 326
Min. and max. 71.1; 472
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 22
Median 123
1st and 3rd quartiles 96.5; 180
Min. and max. 52; 335
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 22
Median 3.7
1st and 3rd quartiles 3.08; 3.92
Min. and max. 2.76; 4.93
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 29
Median 3.33
1st and 3rd quartiles 2.58; 3.61
Min. and max. 1.51; 5.42
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 30
Median 17.71
1st and 3rd quartiles 16.89; 18.9
Min. and max. 14.5; 22.9
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 2
Median 0
1st and 3rd quartiles 0; 1
Min. and max. 0; 1
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 2
Median 0
1st and 3rd quartiles 0; 1
Min. and max. 0; 1
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 3
Median 4
1st and 3rd quartiles 3; 4
Min. and max. 3; 5
# >


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing obs. 0 (0 %)
Number of unique values 6
Median 2
1st and 3rd quartiles 2; 4
Min. and max. 1; 8
# >

Report generation information:

  • Created by: Jeffrey R. Stevens (username: jstevens).

  • Report creation time: Sat Feb 04 2023 12:27:58

  • Report was run from directory: /media/jstevens/data/jstevens/OneDrive/active_sync/projects/dpavir_2023/code

  • dataReporter v1.0.2 [Pkg: 2021-11-11 from RSPM (R 4.2.0)]

  • R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-10 r83330).

  • Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)(Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS).

  • Function call: dataReporter::makeDataReport(data = mtcars, mode = c("summarize", "visualize", "check"), smartNum = FALSE, file = "codebook_mtcars.Rmd", replace = TRUE, checks = list(character = "showAllFactorLevels", factor = "showAllFactorLevels", labelled = "showAllFactorLevels", haven_labelled = "showAllFactorLevels", numeric = NULL, integer = NULL, logical = NULL, Date = NULL), listChecks = FALSE, maxProbVals = Inf, codebook = TRUE, reportTitle = "Codebook for mtcars")