scale y axis to be log base 10
adds text in rectangle to plot with labels repelling away from each other and the data
coordinate argument to limit data range
returns quoted expression
coordinate argument to limit data range
control legend formatting
scale x axis to be log base 10
scale color aesthetic to viridis color gradient
scale x axis to be continuous
plot horizontal reference line
adds text in rectangle to plot
parse date/time
plot arrows
customize non-data components of plot
divide range of vector into intervals
set guides for scale
use Cartesian coordinates
scale argument to limit data range
scale color aesthetic to continuous color gradient
scale x axis to be date
scale color aesthetic to be discrete
adds text to plot
plot line segment
scale fill aesthetic to continuous color gradient
plot vertical reference line
map colors to data with ColorBrewer
scale y axis to be continuous
map colors to data manually
annotate plot independent of data
save a ggplot
scale color aesthetic to diverging color gradient
wrap strings into nicely formatted paragraphs
plot rectangle
modify axis, legend, and plot labels
control legend color bar
The end!