count unique values of variables
specify the number of days to be used in dates
load R packages
determine whether elements of vector are missing
calculate mean of elements of vector
parse month, day, year and hour, minute
group data by levels of column
add layer of points to plot
parse dates as day, month, year
return number of elements in a vector
return the current date
return name of current time zone
summarize data usually by grouping variable
extract day number of year
create a plotting area
extract day number of week
specify the number of months to be used in dates
round date-time down to floor
return date-time in a different time zone
convert object to date-time
create bar chart based on counts in data
return current date and time
parse dates with year, month, and day components
return or set hour component of a date-time
keep rows based on values of columns
return or set month component of a date-time
return or set year component of a date-time
return first rows of matrix, data frame, etc.
keep specified columns
return current group size
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
extract day number of month
update and refit a model
return or set minute component of a date-time
return vector of all time zone names
read comma delimited files
match column names that end with string
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
convert object to date
create date-times from numeric representations
create or modify data columns
parse dates as month, day, year
add layer of data lines to plot
get days component of date-time
replace time zone to create new date-time
create frequency polygon
parse dates and time
The end!