create bar chart based on values in data
import either xls or xlsx Excel files
scale x axis to be continuous
load R packages
create smoothed lines to plot
concatenate character vectors with no space between elements
count unique values of variables
create row-wise tibble
create sequences of numbers
create bar chart based on counts in data
determine whether elements of vector are missing
return current group size
coerce object to numeric
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
conditionally set values
round values to specified number of digits
create a plotting area
annotate plot independent of data
pivot data frame to be longer
change order of rows based on values of columns
remove grouping
plot arrows
adds text to plot
create tibble
customize non-data components of plot
modify axis, legend, and plot labels
return or set year component of a date-time
return sample ranks of the values in a vector
bind rows in dplyr
read comma delimited files
add layer of points to plot
keep rows based on values of columns
keep specified columns
replace first matched pattern in a string
coerce to integer
create recursive vector (list)
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
scale y axis to be continuous
group data by levels of column
join two data sets dropping all observations in x that have a match in y
join two data sets keeping the observations in the left one
fit linear model
create or modify data columns
The end!