keep specified columns
plot horizontal reference line
return value
return (and can assign) column names
create smoothed lines to plot
read comma delimited files
create or modify data columns
add layer of points to plot
coerce object to numeric
generate random sample from normal distribution
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
keep rows based on values of columns
generate random number from uniform distribution
compute the correlation of two vectors
calculate mean of elements of vector
scale x axis to be continuous
specify limits of x axis
coerce object into tibble
load R packages
create a plotting area
randomly sample from vector
create tibble
calculate sample quantiles
return current group size
computer one and two sample Student’s t-test on vectors of data
plot vertical reference line
create sequences of numbers
create matrix of numbers, characters, etc.
compute standard deviation
create recursive vector (list)
create data frame
create histogram of counts as bars
produce samples from multivariate normal distribution
apply a function to multiple elements of an object in purrr, return a double vector
The end!