add layer of points to plot
scale x axis to be continuous
customize non-data components of plot
summarize y values for each x value
create smoothed lines to plot
fit linear model
create bar chart based on values in data
add layer of jittered points to plot
modify axis, legend, and plot labels
create aesthetic mappings between data and plot
apply local polynomial regression fitting
create violin plot
create frequency polygon
create vector of numbers, characters, etc.
scale x axis to be date
coerce object to numeric
add layer of boxplots to plot
calculate mean of elements of vector
encode vector as factor
create histogram of counts as bars
set guides for scale
scale y axis to be continuous
use Cartesian coordinates
create sequences of numbers
create subplots from one variable
create bar chart based on counts in data
create a plotting area
return the current date
read comma delimited files
return current group size
return current date and time
count unique values of variables
load R packages
The end!