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A generic function that takes objects from various statistical methods to create formatted character strings to insert into R Markdown or Quarto documents. Currently, the generic function works with the following objects:

  1. htest objects of correlations, t-tests, and Wilcoxon tests

  2. correlations from the {correlation} package.

  3. Bayes factors from the {BayesFactor} package. The function invokes specific methods that depend on the class of the first argument.


format_stats(x, ...)



Statistical object.


Additional arguments passed to methods. For method-specific arguments, see format_stats.htest() for htest correlations, t-tests, and Wilcoxon tests and format_stats.BFBayesFactor() for Bayes factors from the {BayesFactor} package.


A character string of statistical information formatted in Markdown or LaTeX.

See also

Other functions for printing statistical objects: format_bf(), format_corr(), format_stats.BFBayesFactor(), format_stats.easycorrelation(), format_stats.htest(), format_ttest()


# Format cor.test() object
format_stats(cor.test(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl))
#> [1] "_r_ = -.85, 95% CI [-0.93, -0.72], _p_ < .001"

# Format correlation::correlation() object
format_stats(correlation::correlation(data = mtcars, select = "mpg", select2 = "cyl"))
#> [1] "_r_ = -.85, 95% CI [-0.93, -0.72], _p_ < .001"

# Format t.test() object
format_stats(t.test(mtcars$vs, mtcars$am))
#> [1] "_M_ = 0.0, 95% CI [-0.2, 0.3], _t_(62) = 0.2, _p_ = .804"

# Format BFBayesFactor object from {BayesFactor} package
format_stats(BayesFactor::ttestBF(mtcars$vs, mtcars$am))
#> [1] "_BF_~10~ = 0.26"